El IER cuenta con una intensa producción científica, que se refleja en las publicaciones que sus integrantes realizan en distintas revistas especializadas nacionales y extranjeras de gran prestigio, muchas de estas publicaciones se las pueden ver y descargar en las dos Redes Sociales para científicos más importantes:
Actualizada el 05/03/25
Bender IMA, Blendinger PG, Zelaya J, Rojas TN. 2025. Temporal dynamics in functional fruit traits of native and invasive fleshy fruited plants in subtropical Andean forests. Functional Ecology.
Monmany-Garzia AC, Chacoff N, Aragón R, Sosa A, Aparicio VC, Ayup MM, Galindo-Cardona A. 2025. Effects of soybean fields on the health of Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the Chaco ecoregion. Journal of Economic Entomology: toaf002.
Cockle KL, et al. (17 co-authors, including Núñez Montellano MG). 2025. A framework for sharing power in research teams and promoting justice in scientific publication. Ornithological Applications: duaf014.
Escalante K, Geria M, Mendizábal Chavez N, Galindo-Cardona A. Drone Congregation areas of Apis mellifera (hymenoptera: apidae) and Nosema sp. (nosematidae) in Bolivia: first report. Journal of Apicultural Research.
Haubrock PJ, Parker B, Błonska D, Briski E, Everts T, Fernandez RD, Kouba A, Kourantidou M, Kurtul I, Mammola S, Musolin DL, Nuñez MA, Olden JD, Rasmussen JJ, Renault D, Russell JC, Sousa R, Tarkan AS, Britton JR. 2025. Conceptual and ethical considerations in invasion science. BioScience: biae138.
Lázaro-Lobo A, Fernandez RD, Alonso A, Cruces P, Cruz-Alonso V, Ervin GN, Gallardo A, Granda E, Gómez-Gras D, Marchante H, Moreno-Fernández D, Saldaña A, Silva JS, Castro-Díez P. Worldwide comparison of carbon stocks and fluxes between native and non-native forests. 2025. Biological Reviews.
Moyano J, García-Díaz P, Langdon B, Palmer SCF, Caplat P, Lambin X, Pauchard A, Nuñez MA. 2025. Remove saplings early: Cost-effective strategies to contain tree invasions and prevent their impacts. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Rojas TN, Pizo MA, Blendinger PG, Mangini G, Barberá I. 2025. Size matching between fruits and bill gapes differentially affects gulper and masher frugivorous birds. Oikos 2025:e10978.
Waring BG, Lancastle L, Bell T, Bidartondo MI, García-Díaz P, Lambin X, Vanguelova E, Windram FA. 2025. Windthrow disturbance impacts soil biogeochemistry and bacterial communities in a temperate forest. Plant Soil.
Ceballos SJ, Aráoz E, Rojas TN. 2025. Exploring co-occurrence patterns to understand epiphyte–liana interactions. Plants 14:140.
Duggan Dowd D, Muntaabski I, Russo RM, Galindo-Cardona A, Scannapieco AC, Liendo MC. 2025. Understanding the differential performance in hygienic behavior against dead brood of drones and workers of Apis mellifera: a chemical approach. Journal of Apicultural Research 64:143-146.
Gallardo García Freire P, Matías E, Malizia A, Monmany-Garzia AC, Galindo-Cardona A. 2025. Pollution risk assessment in sub-basins of an open dump using drones and geographic information systems. Waste Management & Research.
Marshall BM, et al. (17 coauthors, including García-Díaz P). 2025. The magnitude of legal wildlife trade and implications for species survival. PNAS 122:e2410774121.
Romero-Muñoz A, Bleyhl B, Benítez-López A, Camino M, Decarre J, Nanni AS, Noss A, Giordano AJ, Quiroga VA, Torres R, Thompson JJ, Villalba L, Nuñez Regueiro MM, De Angelo C, Kuemmerle T. 2025. Hunting and habitat destruction drive widespread functional declines of top predators in a global deforestation hotspot. Diversity and Distribution 31:e70003.
Toomes A, Stringham OC, Moncayo S, Hill KGW, Maher J, Watters F, Chekunov S, García-Díaz P, Mitchell L, Ross JV, Cassey P. 2025. The pet trade of native species outside of their natural distributions within Australia is a biosecurity risk. Conservation Science and Practice 7:e13298.
Andraca-Gómez G, Ordano M, Lira-Noriega A, Osorio-Olvera L, Domínguez CA, Fornoni J. 2024. Climatic and soil characteristics account for the genetic structure of the invasive cactus moth Cactoblastis cactorum, in its native range in Argentina. PeerJ 12:e16861
Andrada FD, Chacoff NP, Lomáscolo SB. 2024. Efecto de los espacios verdes y la composición floral en la comunidad visitantes florales en una ciudad del pedemonte de Argentina. Ecología Austral 33:563–578.
Aragón R, Baldi G. 2024. Ecosystem service research in the dry subtropics: Current state, temporal changes and drivers of regional variability. One Ecosystem 9:e118444.
Beauchamp G, Mangini GG. 2024. Body mass, diet, foraging strata and foraging behaviour predict variation in the propensity to join mixed-species flocks across birds. Ibis 166:1384-1394.
Bonaparte EB, Cuatianquiz Lima C, Ferreira-Xavier HD, da Hora JS, Di Sallo FG, López FG, Cockle KL, Núñez Montellano MG. 2024. Ecology and conservation of cavity-nesting birds in the Neotropics: Recent advances, future directions, and contributions to ornithology. Ornithological Applications 126: duae042.
Camerlenghi E, Mangini GG, Anderson RO, Cruz-Gispert A, Loosveld R, Gonzáles P. Nolazco S. 2024. Long corolla flowers in Tropical Andes favour nectar robbing by the Black Metaltail hummingbird: A study using citizen science and field observations. Austral Ecology 49:e13591.
Carilla J, Grau R, Osinaga Acosta O, Malizia A, Ceballos S, Llambí LD, Piquer-Rodríguez M, Zarbá L, FloresS, Cuesta F, Ojeda Luna T, Ferreira W, Tovar C, Jimenez Y, Hurtado-M AB, Nagy L, Buscardo E, Wallem P, Breuer P, Bonnesoeur V, Hebden S, Cuvi N, Aráoz E. 2024. ROSA: An Andean network of social–ecological observatories. Mountain Research and Development 44:A1-A10.
Ceballos SJ, Malizia A, Carilla J, Grau HR, Osinaga Acosta O, Blundo C. 2024. Combining chronosequences and multi-census approaches to understand patterns of succession in subtropical montane forests of NW Argentina. Journal of Vegetation Science 35:e13281.
Chacoff NP, Carrasco J, Castillo SE, Monmany Garzia AC, Zarbá L, Aragón R. 2024. The contribution of pollinators varies among soybean cultivar traits. Basic and Applied Ecology 81:44-52.
Dalmazzo M, Zumoffen L, Ghiglione C, Roig-Alsina A, Chacoff N. 2024. Diversity and biological traits of bees visiting flowers of Cucurbita maxima var. zapallito differ between biodiversity-based and conventional management practices. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 196:6.
Donthu R, et al. (56 coauthors, including Galindo-Cardona A). 2024. HBeeID: a molecular tool that identifies honey bee subspecies from different geographic populations. BMC Bioinformatics 25:278.
Erazo M, García-Díaz P, Langdon B, Mustin K, Cava M, Damasceno G, Huerta MF, Linardaki E, Moyano J, Montti L, Powell PA, Bodey TW, Burslem DFRP, Fasola L, Fidelis A, Lambin X, Marinaro S, Pauchard A, Phimister E, Raffo E, Rodríguez-Jorquera I, Roesler I, Tomasevic JA, Pizarro JC. 2024. Stakeholder mapping to support invasive non-native species management in South America. NeoBiota 93:293-319.
Fernández PD, Gasparri NI, Rojas TN, Banegas NR, Nasca JA, Jobbágy EA, Kuemmerle T. 2024. Silvopastoral management for lowering trade-offs between beef production and carbon storage in tropical dry woodlands. Science of The Total Environment 912:168973.
Fontanarrosa G, Zarbá L, Aschero V, Dos Santos DA, Nuñez Montellano MG, Plaza Behr MC, Schroeder N, Lomáscolo S, Fanjul ME, Monmany Garzia C, Alvarez M, Novillo A, Lorenzo Pisarello MJ, D’Almeida RE, Valoy M, Ramírez-Mejía AF, Rodríguez D, Reynaga C, Sandoval Salinas ML, Chillo V, Piquer-Rodríguez M. 2024. Over twenty years of publications in Ecology: Over-contribution of women reveals a new dimension of gender bias. PLoS ONE 19(9):e0307813.
Gelabert CC, Gasparri NI, de Bargas SE, Chifarelli DH, Rojas TN, Mac Donagh PM, Zurita GA. 2024. Silvopastoral systems in the Upper Atlantic Forest of Argentina: what type of farms adopt them and how? Agroforestry Systems 98:1273-1282.
Giombini MI, Pésole D, Benítez AD, Costa SA, Foletto LF, Pizzio CE, Dip Yordanoff AL, Gatti MG, Di Bitetti MS. 2024. The irreplaceable role of surviving megafauna in long-distance seed dispersal: evidence from an experiment with Neotropical mammals. Oikos 2024: e10488.
González MV, Montti L, Jimenez YG, Aráoz E. 2024. Linking migration flows with the prevalence of exotic plant species in the Andes. Mountain Research and Development 44: R1-R9.
Grau HR, Foguet J, Baldi G. 2024. A spatially explicit model of European colonization timing on the American ecosystems based on foundation dates of cities. GeoJournal 89:111.
Grau HR, Jimenez Y. 2024. Past references are insufficient for Latin American conservation policy ni the Anthropocene. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 22:205-208.
Haubrock PJ, et al. (41 coauthors, including Fernandez RD). 2024. Biological invasions are a population-level rather than a species-level phenomenon. Global Change Biology 30:e17312.
Heringer G, Fernandez RD, et al. (17 coauthors). 2024. Economic costs of invasive non-native species in urban areas: An underexplored financial drain. Science of The Total Environment, 170336.
Hua F, et al. (46 coauthors, including Macchi L). 2024. Ecological filtering shapes the impacts of agricultural deforestation on biodiversity. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8:251-266.
Jimenez YG, Aráoz E. 2024. Modeling the role of novel ecosystems in runoff and soil protection: native and non-native Subtropical Montane Forests. Water Resources Management 38:3837-3852.
Levers C, Piquer-Rodríguez M, Gollnow F, Baumann M, Camino M, Gasparri NI, Gavier-Pizarro GI, le Polain de Waroux Y, Müller D, Nori J, Pötzschner F, Romero-Muñoz A, Kuemmerle T. 2024. What is still at stake in the Gran Chaco? Social-ecological impacts of alternative land-system futures in a global deforestation hotspot. Environmental Research Letters 19:064003.
Lomáscolo SB, Sandoval-Salinas ML, Novillo A, Fontanarrosa G, Núñez Montellano MG, Piquer-Rodríguez M, Alvarez M, Aschero V, Chillo V, Fanjul ME, Martínez-Gálvez F, Pero EJI, Rodríguez D, Schroeder N, Zarbá L. 2024. Academic career in ecology: Effect of gender, caregiving labor, and the working environment. Forest Ecology and Management 560:121801.
Macêdo RL, Haubrock PJ, Klippel G, Fernandez RD, Leroy B, Angulo E, Carneiro L, Musseau C, Rocha O, Cuthbert RN. 2023. The economic costs of invasive aquatic plants: A global perspective on ecology and management gaps. Science of The Total Environment 908:168217.
Marozzi A, Cantarelli VI, Panebianco A, Gomez FM, Ovejero R, Gregorio PF, Peña F, Ponzio MF, Carmanchahi PD. 2024. Non-invasive assessment of hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy in guanacos (Lama guanicoe) and its application in a wild population. Conservation Physiology 12:coae003.
Martins LP, Stouffer DB, Blendinger PG, Böhning-Gaese K, Costa JM, Dehling DM, Donatti CI, Emer C, Galetti M, Heleno R, Menezes I, Morante-Filho JC, Muñoz MC, Neuschulz EL, Pizo MA, Quitián M, Ruggera RA, Saavedra F, Santillán V, Schleuning M, da Silva LP, Ribeiro da Silva F, Timóteo S, Tobias JÁ, Traveset A, Vollstädt MGR, Tylianakis JM. 2024. Birds optimize fruit size consumed near their geographic range limits. Science 385(6706):331-336.
Monasterolo M, Ramírez-Mejía AF, Cavigliasso P, Schliserman P, Chavanne V, Carro CM, Chacoff NP. 2024. Animal pollination contributes to more than half of citrus production. Scientific Report 14:22309.
Montti L, Gasparri NI, Grau HR. 2024. Telecoupling lens for integrating ecological and human dimensions of the biological invasion problem. Sustainability Science 19:1139-1154.
Nanni AS, Ghoddousi A, Romero-Muñoz, A., Baumann, M., Burton J, Camino M, Decarre J, Martello F, Regolin AL, Kuemmerle T. 2024. Mapping opportunities and barriers for coexistence between people and pumas in the Argentine Dry Chaco. Diversity and Distributions 30:e13920.
Nori J. et al. (58 coauthors, including Nanni AS). 2024. Argentina’s rejection of 2030 agenda undermines environmental sustainability and human well-being. Biological Conservation 299:110832.
Nosetto MD, et al. (34 coauthors, including Gasparri NI, Blundo C). 2024. Changes in soil organic carbon in native forests of Argentina related to land use change and environmental factors. Soil Use and Management 40:e13109.
Nuñez JA, Aguiar S, Jobbágy EG, Jiménez YG, Baldassini P. 2024. Climate change and land cover effects on water yield in a subtropical watershed spanning the yungas-chaco transition of Argentina. Journal of Environmental Management 358:120808.
Peri PL, et al. (38 coauthors, including Gasparri I, Blundo C). 2024. Soil organic carbon stocks in native forest of Argentina: a useful surrogate for mitigation and conservation planning under climate variability. Ecological Processes 13:1.
Piquer-Rodríguez M, Aragón R, Pacheco S, Malizia S, Zunino H. 2024. Co-production of sustainability indicators in a vulnerable South American agricultural frontier. Regional Environmental Change 24:171.
Plaza Behr MC, Serra C, Arturi MF, Gasparri NI, Burns SL. 2024. Characterizing owners of fast-growing forest plantations in South America’s afforestation systems. New Forests 55:1557-1580.
Pratzer M, et al. (36 coauthors, including Aragón R, Marinaro S, Nanni S). 2024. An actor-centered, scalable land system typology for addressing biodiversity loss in the world’s tropical dry woodlands. Global Environmental Change 86:102849.
Ramírez-Mejía AM, Blendinger PG, Woodcock BA, Schmucki R, Escobar L, Morton RD, Vieli L, Nunes-Silva P, Lomáscolo SL, Morales CL, Murúa M, Agostini K, Chacoff NP. 2024. Landscape structure and farming management interacts to modulate pollination supply and crop production in blueberries. Journal of Applied Ecology 61:281-291.
Ramírez-Mejía AM, Cavigliasso P, Chacoff NP, Blendinger PG. 2024. How much is enough? Optimizing beehive stocking densities to maximize the production of a pollinator-dependent crop. Ecological Modelling 498:110891.
Ramírez-Mejía AM, Chacoff NP, Lomáscolo SB, Woodcock BA, Schmucki R, Blendinger PG. 2024. Optimal pollination thresholds to maximize blueberry production. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 365:108903.
Requier F, et al. (59 coauthors, including Galindo-Cardona A). 2024. First large-scale study reveals important losses of managed honey bee and stingless bee colonies in Latin America. Scientific Reports 14:10079. (correction:
Roy HE, et al. (88 coauthors, including Fernandez RD). 2024. Curbing the major and growing threats from invasive alien species is urgent and achievable. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8:1216-1223.
Soto I, et al. (84 coauthors, including Fernandez RD). 2024. Taming the terminological tempest in invasion science. Biological Review 99:1357-1390.
Spescha V, Aráoz E. Socio-economic differences control species composition of urban gardens in a metropolitan area of Argentina. Tropical Ecology 65:142-151.
Vásquez-Ordóñez AA, Torres-López W, Monmany-Garzia AC. 2024. A multi-scale approach to study palm-weevils in a tropical agroecosystem. Landscape Ecology 39:45.
Zelaya PV, Molineri C, Bravo SJ, Palacio FX, Chacoff N. 2024. When one’s misfortune favors others: the importance of hollows made by a plague on Neltuma trees to stingless bees nesting in Subtropical Dry forests. Apidologie 55:1.
Amado A, Lomáscolo SB, Chacoff NP. 2023. Effects of urbanization on the structure of plant-flower visitor network at the local and landscape levels in the northern Argentinian Yungas forest. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 5:1086076.
Banchero S, Verón S, De Abelleyra D, Caride C, Gasparri I. 2023. Evaluation of forest degradation methodologies using Landsat Time Series on argentinean Dry Chaco forest. Pp. 3009-3012 in IGARSS 2023 – 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Pasadena, USA. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS52108.2023.10282634
Barrenechea GG, Sánchez R, Medina Ruiz L, Peral M, Aráoz E. 2023. COVID-19 y su relación con factores sociodemográficos en la etapa pre-vacunatoria, provincia de Tucumán, Argentina, 2020-2021. Revista Argentina de Salud Pública 15:e85. Recuperado a partir de
Buchadas A, Jung M, Bustamante M, Fernández-Llamazares Á, Garnett ST, Nanni AS, Ribeiro N, Meyfroidt P, Kuemmerle T. 2023. Tropical dry woodland loss occurs disproportionately in areas of highest conservation value. Global Change Biology 29:4880–4897.
Carilla J, Aráoz E, Foguet J, Casagranda E, Halloy S, Grau A. 2023. Hydroclimate and vegetation variability of high Andean ecosystems. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:1067096.
Carilla J, Aráoz E, Malizia A, Osinaga Acosta O, Malizia M, Jiménez Y, Llambi LD, Peralvo M, Garces A, Lasso G. 2023. Long-term environmental and social monitoring in the Andes: state of the art, knowledge gaps and priorities for an integrated agenda. Mountain Research and Development 43:A1-A9.
Casagranda E, Izquierdo AE. 2023. Modeling the potential distribution of floristic assemblages of high Andean wetlands dominated by Juncaceae and Cyperaceae in the Argentine Puna. Vegetation Classification and Survey 4:47-58.
Ceballos SJ. 2023. Vascular epiphytes in Argentinian Yungas: distribution, diversity, and ecology. The Botanical Review 89:91-113.
Coria OR, Blendinger PG, Araujo PA, Torres R. 2023. Importance of habitat representativeness and complexity for bird species richness in a humid forest embedded in the Dry Chaco. Ornithology Research 31:32-40.
Costas DE, Barrenechea GG, Sánchez R, Foguet J, Peral M, Chahla RF, Orosco J, Aráoz E. 2023. Socioeconomic and environmental conditions influence the risk of dengue infection in a subtropical city of Argentina. Ecología Austral 33:808–820.
Cuesta F, Carilla J, LLambí LD, Muriel P, Lencinas MV, Meneses RI, Feeley KJ, Pauli H, Aguirre N, Beck S, Bernardi A, Cuello S, Duchicela SA, Eguiguren P, Gamez LE, Halloy S, Hudson L, Jaramillo R, Peri PLL, Ramírez A, Rosero-Añazco P, Thompson N, Yager K, Tovar C. 2023. Compositional shifts of alpine plant communities across the high Andes. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32:1591–1606.
da Cunha L, Chacoff NP, Sáez A, Schmucki R, Galetto L, Devoto M, Carrasco J, Mazzei MP, Castillo SE, Palacios TP, Vesprini JL, Agostini K, Saraiva AM, Woodcock BA, Ollerton J, Aizen MA. 2023. Soybean dependence on biotic pollination decreases with latitude. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 347:108376.
De Marzo T, Pratzer M, Baumann M, Gasparri NI, Pötzschner F, Kuemmerle T. Linking disturbance history to current forest structure to understand how disturbance affects tropical dry forests. Forest Ecology and Management 539:120989.
Escalante K, Quintana MG, Scannapieco A, Geria M, Galindo-Cardona A. 2023. Prevalence of Varroa destructor and first report of Nosema sp. in Apis mellifera drone congregation areas. Acta Zoológica Lilloana 67:369-377.
Fernandez PD, Gärtner P, Nasca JA, Rojas T, Gasparri NI. 2023. Beyond pastures, look at plastic: Using Sentinel-2 imagery to map silage bags to improve understanding of cattle intensity. Science of The Total Environment 855:158390.
Fernandez RD, Haubrock PJ, Cuthbert RN, Heringer G, Kourantidou M, Hudgins EJ, Angulo E, Diagne CA, Courchamp F, Nuñez MA. 2023. Underexplored and growing economic costs of invasive alien trees. Scientific Reports 13:8945.
Fernandez RD, Palchetti MV, Bruno ML, Aragón R, Aguilar R, Giorgis MA. 2023. Análisis preliminar de especies nativas y no nativas de los Parques Nacionales terrestres de Argentina con énfasis en plantas vasculares. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 58:105-120.
Ferro A, García-López DA, Saade LS, Alonso-Muruaga PJ, Scanferla A. 2023. A new ‘archaeohyracid’ (Notoungulata, Typotheria) from the Eocene of north-western Argentina: anatomy, phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary implications. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 21:2214565.
Frohlich FV, Nanni AS. 2023. Densidad, abundancia relativa y patrones de actividad de Leopardus pardalis (Carnivora: Felidae) en la Reserva Natural y de Usos Múltiples San Pablo, Yungas de Tucumán. Acta Zoológica Lilloana 67:195–215.
Gonzalez JC, Orgeira JL, Jimenez YG, Nieto C, Romero C, Alegre A, Quiñones J. 2023. Habitat suitability under future climate scenarios in black-browed albatross (Thalassarche melanophris) in Southern South America and Antarctica. Polar Biology 46:545-557.
González-Caro S, Tello JS, Myers JA, Feeley K, Blundo C, Calderón-Loor M, Carilla J, Cayola L, Cuesta F, Farfán W, Fuentes AF, Garcia-Cabrera K, Grau R, Idarraga Á, Loza MI, Malhi Y, Malizia A, Malizia L, Osinaga-Acosta O, Pinto E, SalinasN, Silman M, Terán-Valdéz A, Duque Á. 2023. Historical assembly of Andean tree communities. Plants 12:3546.
Grau HR. 2023. Más hallazgos contra el consenso eco-alarmista. Ecología Austral 33:479–488.
Guerisoli MM, et al. (124 coauthors, including Ovejero RA). 2023. Reflexiones acerca del “reasilvestramiento” en la Argentina. Mastozoología Neotropical 30:e0946.
Guerisoli MM, et al. (106 coauthors, including Ovejero RA). 2023. Threatened conservation scientists: The aftermath of an eye-opening publication on rewilding. Biological Conservation 287:110322.
Jimenez YG, Grau HR, Fernandez RD, Ceballos SJ, Blundo C, Malizia A, Carilla J, Osinaga Acosta O, Aráoz E. 2023. The role of species composition in montane reforested areas to offset carbon emissions. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 32:101024.
Lázaro-Lobo A, Alonso A, Fernández RD, Granda E, Romero Blanco, A, Saldaña-López A, Castro-Díez P. 2023. Impacts of plant invasions on ecosystem functionality: a perspective for ecosystem health and ecosystem services. Pp. 31-56 in Tripathi S, Bhadouria R, Srivastava P, Singh R, Batish DR (eds.), Plant Invasions and Global Climate Change. Springer, Singapore.
Litvinoff L, Menescardi F, Porrini L, Russo R, Liendo MC, Nucci A, Lusarreta E, Ventura R, Espasadin L, Monmany-Garzia AC, Scannapieco AC, Galindo-Cardona A. 2023. Morphometric and genetic characterization as tools for selection of Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) stocks in an area of natural hybridization. Frontiers in Insect Science 2: 1073999.
Maldonado B, Serrano AM, Chacoff NP, Vázquez DP. 2023. The role of dung beetles in seed dispersal in an arid environment. Ecología Austral 33:370-378.
Mangini G, Gandoy F, Areta JI, Blendinger PG. 2023. Benefits of foraging in mixed-species flocks depend on species role and foraging strategy. Ibis 165:629-646.
Mangini GG, Rutt CL, Sridhar H, Buitron G, Muñón J, Robinson SK, Montaño-Centellas F, Zarco A, Fanjul ME, Fernández-Arellano G, Xing S, Camerlenghi E. 2023. A classification scheme for mixed-species bird flocks. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 378:20220100.
Martínez Pastur G, Amoroso MM, Baldi G, Barrera MD, Brown AD, Chauchard LM, Galetto L, Garibaldi LA, Gasparri I, Kees SM, Matteucci SD, Politi N, Roig FA, Peri PL. 2023. ¿Qué es un bosque nativo en la Argentina? Marco conceptual para una correcta definición de acuerdo con las políticas institucionales nacionales y el conocimiento científico disponible. Ecología Austral 33:152–169.
Mercado MI, Buedo S, González D, Powell PA, González JA. 2023. Estrategias fotosintéticas y morfo-anatómicas foliares de Ligustrum sinense (Oleaceae), una especie exótica invasora en el sotobosque de la selva de Yungas. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 58:229-242.
Montaño-Centellas FA, Muñoz J, Mangini GG, Ausprey IJ, Newell FL, Jones HH, Fanjul ME, Tinoco BA, Colorado Zuluaga GJ, Cahill JRA, Arbeláez-Cortés E, Marin-Gómez OH, Astudillo PX, Guevara EA, Ippi S, McDermott ME, Rodewald AD, Matthysen E, Robinson SK. 2023. Network structure of avian mixed-species flocks decays with elevation and latitude across the Andes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 378: 20220099.
Moyano J, Zamora-Nasca LB, Caplat P, García-Díaz P, Langdon B, Lambin X, Montti L*, Pauchard A, Nuñez MA. 2023. Predicting the impact of invasive trees from different measures of abundance. Journal of Environmental Management 325B:116480.
Nagy L, Eller CB, Mercado LM, Cuesta F, Llambí LD, Buscardo E, Aragao LEOC, García-Núñez C, Oliveira LS, Barbosa M, Ceballos SJ, Calderón M, Fernandes W, Aráoz E, Muñoz AMQ, Rozzi R, Aguirre F, Álvarez-Dávila E, Salinas N, Sitch S. 2023. South American mountain ecosystems and global change – a case study for integrating theory and field observations for land surface modelling and ecosystem management. Plant Ecology & Diversity. doi: 10.1080/17550874.2023.2196966
Nanni SA, Regolin AL, Fernández PD, Giordano AJ, Martello F, Bailey LL, Lucherini M. 2023. Woody cover and pasture within the surrounding matrix drive puma (Puma concolor) occupancy in agroecosystems of the Argentine Dry Chaco. Journal for Nature Conservation 75: 126475.
Navarro CJ, Carilla J, Osinaga Acosta O, Nieto C, Ovejero R, Grau HR. 2023. Herbivore rewilding does not promote biodiversity in Argentine Andean peatlands. Anthropocene 42:100382.
Nunes-Silva P, Ramírez-Mejía AF, Blochtein B, Ramos JD, Agostini K, Vieli L, Santanna M, Raguse-Quadros M, Ibarra M, Murúa M, Chacoff NP, Cavigliasso P, Blendinger PG, Domingos SS. 2023. Arándanos: polinización y producción en Sudamérica. Zenodo, Brasil.
Palacio FX, Cataudela JF, Montalti D, Ordano M. 2023. On the adequacy of fruit removal as a proxy for fitness in studies of bird-mediated phenotypic selection. American Journal of Botany 110(3):e16130.
Palacio FX, Ordano M. 2023. Urbanization shapes phenotypic selection of fruit traits in a seed-dispersal mutualism. Evolution 77:1769-1779.
Piquer-Rodríguez M, Friis C, Andriatsitohaina RNN, Boillat S, Roig-Boixeda P, Cortinovis C, Geneletti D, Ibarrola-Rivas MJ, Kelley LC, Llopis JC, Mack EA, Nanni AS, Zaehringer JG, Henebry GM. 2023. Global shocks, cascading disruptions, and (re-)connections: viewing the COVID-19 pandemic as concurrent natural experiments to understand land system dynamics. Landscape Ecology 38:1147–1161.
Powell PA, Garcia Diaz P, Fernández Cánepa G, Grau A, Herrera L, Nuñez C, Quiroga MP, Quiroga PA, Rojas TN, Ruiz de Huidobro N, Speziale KL, Vidal-Russell R, Zaninovich S, Montti L. 2023. Insights from experiences co-managing woody invasive alien plants in Argentina. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 4: e12272.
Ramírez-Mejía AF, Lomáscolo SB, Blendinger PG. 2023. Hummingbirds, honeybees, and wild insect pollinators affect yield and berry quality of blueberries depending on cultivar and farm’s spatial context. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environments 342:108229.
Ruelas Inzunza E, Cockle KL, Núñez Montellano MG, et al. (other 18 coauthors). 2023. How to include and recognize the work of ornithologists based in the Neotropics: Fourteen actions for Ornithological Applications, Ornithology, and other global-scope journals. Ornithological Applications 125:duac047.
Ruiz Barrionuevo JM, Geria Reines M, Martín E, Malizia A, Galindo-Cardona A, Escobar L, Monmany Garzia AC. 2023. Polyethylene fragments affected the development of Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae). Acta Zoológica Lilloana 67:361-368.
Saravia AN, Mettola VE, Aguilera G, Cano PD, Terán GE. 2023. Do we know what we are conserving? Fishes from the Parque Nacional Aconquija, Tucumán, Northwestern Argentina. Acta Zoológica Lilloana 67:327-347.
Soares L, et al. (124 coauthors, including Mangini G, Nuñez Montellano MG, Gandoy F). 2023. Neotropical ornithology: Reckoning with historical assumptions, removing systemic barriers, and reimagining the future. Ornithological Applications 125:duac046.
Suárez L, Biancheri MJB, Murúa F, Ordano M, Wang X, Cancino J, Garcia FRM, Sánchez G, Beltrachini S, Kulichevsky LE, Ovruski SM. 2023. Medfly population suppression through augmentative release of an introduced parasitoid in an irrigated multi-fruit orchard of Central–Western Argentina. Insects 14:387.
Tovar C, et al. (28 coauthors, including Carilla J). 2023. Strategies of diaspore dispersal investment in Compositae: the case of the Andean highlands. Annals of Botany 132:255–267.
Agostini K, Galetto L, Vieli L, Murúa M, Chacoff NP, Francoy TM. 2022. Polinización: un servicio ecosistémico completo. Pp. 21-24 en: Ghilardi-Lopes NP, Zattara EE (eds), Ciencia ciudadana y polinizadores de América del Sur (1er ed). Cubo Multimídia.
Allen-Perkins A, et al. (186 coauthors, including Chacoff NP). 2022. CropPol: a dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination. Ecology 103: e3614.
Báez S, et al. (43 coauthors, including Blundo C). 2022. FunAndes – A functional trait database of Andean plants. Science Data 9:511.
Bang A, Cuthbert RN, Haubrock PJ, Fernandez RD, Moodley D, Diagne C, Turbelin AJ, Renault D, Dalu T, Courchamp F. 2022. Massive economic costs of biological invasions despite widespread knowledge gaps: a dual setback for India. Biological Invasions 24:2017-2039.
Baumann M, Gasparri I, Buchadas A, Oeser J, Meyfroidt P, Levers C, Romero-Muñoz A, le Polain de Waroux Y, Müller D, Kuemmerle T. 2022. Frontier metrics for a process-based understanding of deforestation dynamics. Environmental Research Letters 17:095010.
Blendinger PG, Rojas TN, Ramírez-Mejía AF, Bender IMA, Lomáscolo S, Magro J, Núñez Montellano MG, Ruggera RA, Valoy M, Ordano M. 2022. Nutrient balance and energy acquisition effectiveness: do birds adjust their fruit diet to achieve nutritional or energy intake targets? Functional Ecology 36:2649-2660.
Carmanchahi P, Funes MC, Panebianco A, Gregorio PF, Leggieri L, Marozzi A, Ovejero R. 2022. Guanaco sustainable management as a conservation and rural development strategy. Pp. 147-190 in: Carmanchahi P, Lichtenstein G (eds.) Guanacos and People in Patagonia. Natural and Social Sciences of Patagonia. Springer, Cham.
Carmanchahi P, Lichtenstein G, Gregorio PF, Panebianco A, Marozzi A, Leggieri L, Peña F, Ovejero R. 2022. Taxonomy, distribution, and conservation status of wild guanaco populations. Pp. 1-27 in: Carmanchahi P, Lichtenstein G (eds.) Guanacos and People in Patagonia. Natural and Social Sciences of Patagonia. Springer, Cham.
Cavigliasso P, Phifer CC, Knowlton JL, Licata KJA, Flaspohler DJ, Webster CR, Chacoff NP. 2022. Influence of landscape composition on wild bee communities: Effects of functional landscape heterogeneity. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 340:108150.
Ceballos SJ, Blundo C, Malizia A, Osinaga Acosta O, Carilla J, Grau HR, Campanello PI, Cuchietti A, Gasparri I, Gatti G, Loto D, Martínez Pastur G, Saucedo Miranda J, Amoroso M, Andino N, Arpigiani D, Aschero V, Barberis IM, Bedrij NA, Nicora Chequin R, Chillo V, Eibl B, Eliano P, Fernandez RD, Garibaldi LA, Giannoni S, Goldenberg MG, González Peñalba M, Jimenez YG, Kees S, Klekailo GN, Lara M, Mac Donagh P, Malizia LR, Mazzini F, Medina WA, Oddi FJ, Paredes D, Peri PL, Persini C, Prado DE, Salas RM, Srur A, Villagra M, Zelaya P, Villagra PE. 2022. Red Argentina de Parcelas Permanentes de Bosques Nativos para promover colaboraciones científicas en estudios de largo plazo. Ecología Austral 32:361-377.
Cocimano MA, Nanni AS, Izquierdo AE. 2022. Co-building knowledge on human-puma conflict: A case study in a village of the Argentine Puna ecoregion. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 27:360-379.
Cuezzo C, Scheffrahn R, Constantino R. 2022. Revised systematic position of Nasutitermes brevipilus Emerson, 1925 (Isoptera: Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae) and the designation of Hyleotermes gen. nov. Zootaxa 5195:73-86.
Chatellenaz ML, Fernandez JM, Thomann ML. 2022. First record of a population of Rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri) in Argentina. Neotropical Biodiversity 8:51-55. DOI: 10.1080/23766808.2022.2040279
de Lima RAF, et al. (24 coauthors, including Malizia A, Blundo C). 2022. Making forest data fair and open. Nature Ecology and Evolution 6:656-658.
De Marzo T, Gasparri NI, Lambin EF, Kuemmerle T. 2022. Agents of forest disturbance in the argentine Dry Chaco. Remote Sensing. 14:1758.
Fernandez RD, Moreno ML, Pérez Harguindeguy N, Aragón R. 2022. Ligustrum lucidum invasion decreases abundance and relative contribution of soil fauna to litter decomposition but increases decomposition rate in a subtropical montane forest of NW Argentina. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 52:261-268.
García-Díaz P, Montti L, Powell PA, Phimister E, Pizarro JC, Fasola L, Langdon B, Pauchard A, Raffo E, Bastías J, Damasceno G, Fidelis A, Huerta MH, Linardaki E, Moyano J, Núñez MA, Ortiz MI, Rodríguez-Jorquera I, Roesler I, Tomasevic JA, Burslem DFRP, Cava M, Lambin X. 2022. Identifying priorities, targets, and actions for the long-term social and ecological management of invasive non-native species. Environmental Management 60:140-153.
Gobatto AA, Furtado de Mendonza DTN, Agostini K, Galetto L, Vieli L, Chacoff NP. Paisajismo funcional – una forma de aunar estética y ecología. Pp. 25-30 en: Ghilardi-Lopes NP, Zattara EE (eds), Ciencia ciudadana y polinizadores de América del Sur (1er ed). Cubo Multimídia.
Gobbi B, Van Rompaey A, Gasparri NI, Vanacker V. 2022. Forest degradation in the Dry Chaco: A detection based on 3D canopy reconstruction from UAV-SfM techniques. Forest Ecology and Management 526, 120554.
Grau HR. 2022. Contra el consenso. Hallazgos que amenazan los fundamentos del eco-alarmismo. Ecología Austral 32:33-44.
Grau HR, Gasparri NI, Aráoz E, Aide TM, Piquer-Rodríguez M. 2022. Landscape divergence associated with international borders and economic asymmetries. Ecología Austral 32:663-669.
Izquierdo AE, Blundo C, Carilla J, Foguet J, Navarro CJ, Casagranda E, Chiappero MF, Vaieretti MV. 2022. Floristic types of high-Andean wetlands from northwest Argentina and their remote-sensed characterization at a regional scale. Applied Vegetation Science 25: e12658.
Jimenez YG, Aráoz E, Fernandez RD, Nanni S, Ovejero R, Paolini L, Grau HR. 2022. Counterurbanization: A neglected pathway of forest transition. Ambio 51:823-835.
Jimenez YG, Ceballos SJ, Aráoz E, Blundo C, Carilla J, Malizia A, Grau HR. 2022. Spatial, temporal and ecological patterns of peri-urban forest transitions. An example from subtropical Argentina. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 5:761957.
Llanes AL, Poca M, Jimenez YG, Castellanos G, Gómez BM, Marchese M, Lana NB, Pascual M, Albariño R, Barral MP, Pascual J, Clavijo A, Díaz B, Pessacg N, Jobbágy EG. 2022. ¿De dónde viene y a dónde va el agua de las ciudades? Base de datos integrada para 243 centros urbanos argentinos. Ecología Austral 32:1133-1149.
Maertens M, De Lannoy GJM, Vincent F, Massart S, Giménez R, Houspanossian J, Gasparri I, Vanacker V. 2022. Spatial patterns of soil salinity in the central Argentinean Dry Chaco. Anthropocene 37:100322.
Mamede S, Benites M, Mangini G, Esquivel A. 2022. Roteiro integrado para o turismo de observação de aves na rota bioceânica: Brasil, Paraguai, Argentina e Chile. Revista Brasileira de Ecoturismo (RBEcotur) 15:657-683.
Mangini G, Mokross K, Gandoy F, Areta JI. 2022. Mixed-species flocking is associated with low arthropod detectability and increased foraging efficiency by Yungas forest birds in Argentina. Ornithology 139: ukab087.
Marinaro S, Sacchi LV, Gasparri NI. 2022. From whom and for what? Deforestation in Dry Chaco from local-urban inhabitants’ perception. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 52:261-268.
Martins LP, Stouffer DB, Blendinger PG, Böhning-Gaese K, Buitrón-Jurado G, Correia M, Costa JM, Dehling DM, Donatti CI, Emer C, Galetti M, Heleno R, Jordano P, Menezes I, Morante-Filho JC, Muñoz MC, Neuschulz EL, Pizo MA, Quitián M, Ruggera RA, Saavedra F, Santillán V, Schleuning M, da Silva LP, Ribeiro da Silva F, Timóteo S, Traveset A, Vollstädt MGR, Tylianakis JM. 2022. Global and regional ecological boundaries explain abrupt spatial discontinuities in avian frugivory interactions. Nature Communications 13:6943.
Messeder JVS, Guerra T, Pizo MA, Blendinger PG, Silveira FAO. 2022. Seed dispersal ecology in Neotropical Melastomataceae. Pp. 735-759 in: Goldenberg R, Almeda F, Michelangeli FA (eds.), Systematics, Evolution and Ecology of Melastomataceae. Springer Nature.
Meyfroidt P, et al (49 coauthors, including Grau HR). 2022. Ten facts about land systems for sustainability. PNAS 119: e2109217118.
Monasterolo M, Chacoff NP, Segura AD, Benavidez A, Schliserman P. 2022. Native pollinators increase fruit set while honeybees decrease the quality of mandarins in family farms. Basic and Applied Ecology 64:79-88.
Monti L*. 2022. Conviviendo con árboles invasores, ¿cómo sucedió? Folium 5:48-53.
Morán-López T, Benadi G, Lara-Romero C, Chacoff N, Vitali A, Pescador D, Lomáscolo SB, Morente-López J, Vázquez DP, Morales JM. 2022. Flexible diets enable pollinators to cope with changes in plant community composition. Journal of Ecology 110:1913-1927.
Nowak L, Schleuning M, Bender IMA, Böhning-Gaese K, Dehling DM, Fritz SA, Kissling WD, Mueller T, Neuschulz EL, Pigot AL, Sorensen MC, Donoso I. 2022. Avian seed dispersal may be insufficient for plants to track future temperature change on tropical mountains. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31:848-860.
Nowak L, Schleuning M, Bender IMA, Kissling WD, Fritz SA. 2022. Independent variation of avian sensitivity to climate change and trait-based adaptive capacity along a tropical elevational gradient. Diversity and Distributions 28:1123-1135.
Núñez Montellano MG, Areta JI. 2022. Infanticide by the White-throated Cacholote (Pseudoseisura gutturalis) in the Monte Desert, Argentina. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 134:144-148.
Núñez Montellano MG, Alauie AE, Areta JI. 2022. Breeding biology of the White-throated Cacholote Pseudoseisura gutturalis ochroleuca, an endemic bird of the Monte Desert. Ardea 110:125-136.
Oliva Carrasco L, Bucci SJ, Scholz FG, Loto D, Gasparri I, Goldstein G, Campanello PI. 2022. Biophysical properties of inner bark and sapwood in tree species from forests with contrasting precipitation in subtropical South America. Frontiers in Forest and Global Change 5:793385.
Ostertag R, et al. (27 coauthors, including Aragón R, Fernández RD). 2022. Litter decomposition rates across tropical montane and lowland forests are controlled foremost by climate. Biotropica 54:309–326.
Panebianco A, Gregorio PF, Schroeder NM, Marozzi A, Ovejero R, Heidel L, Peña F, Leggieri LR, Taraborelli PA, Carmanchahi PD. 2022. Where are the males? The influence of bottom-up and top-down factors and sociability on the spatial distribution of a territorial ungulate. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76:10.
Pereira CC, et al. (55 coauthors, including Bernaschini ML). 2022. Subtle structures with not-so-subtle functions: a data set of arthropod constructs and their host plants. Ecology 103: e3639.
Piemontese L, Neudert R, Oberlack C, Pedde S, Roggero M, Buchadas A, Martin DA, Orozco R, Pellowe K, Segnon AC, Zarbá L, Sietz D. 2022. Validity and validation in archetype analysis: Practical assessment framework and guidelines. Environmental Research Letters 17:025010.
Plenderleith F, Irrazabal V, Burslem D, Travis J, Powell PA. 2022. Predicting spatially heterogeneous invasive spread: Pyracantha angustifolia invading a dry Andean valley in northern Argentina. Biological Invasions 24:2201-2216.
Pötzschner F, Baumann M, Gasparri NI, Conti G, Loto D, Piquer-Rodríguez M, Kuemmerle T. 2022. Ecoregion-wide, multi-sensor biomass mapping highlights a major underestimation of dry forests carbon stocks. Remote Sensing of Environment 269:112849.
Quaresma A, et al. (23 coauthors, including Bender IMA). 2022. The Amazon Epiphyte Network: a first glimpse into continental-scale patterns of Amazonian vascular epiphyte assemblages. Frontiers in Forest and Global Change 5:828759.
Ramírez-Mejía AF, Urbina-Cardona JN, Sánchez F. 2022. The interplay of spatial scale and landscape transformation modulates the abundance and intraspecific variation in the ecomorphological traits of a phyllostomid bat. Journal of Tropical Ecology 38:31-38.
Rojas TN, Zampini IC, Isla MI, Blendinger PG. 2022. Fleshy-fruit traits and seed dispersers: which traits define syndromes? Annals of Botany129:831-838.
Romero GQ, et al. (52 coauthors, including Bernaschini ML). 2022. Climate variability and aridity modulate the role of leaf shelters for arthropods: A global experiment. Global Change Biology 28:3694-3710.
Ruiz Barrionuevo JM, Martín E, Galindo Cardona A, Malizia A, Chalup A, de Cristóbal RE, Monmany Garzia AC. 2022. Consumption of low-density polyethylene, polypropylene, and polystyrene materials by larvae of the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae), impacts on their ontogeny. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29:68132-68142.
Ruiz Barrionuevo JM, Vilanova-Cuevas B, Alvarez A, Martín E, Malizia A, Galindo-Cardona A, de Cristóbal RE, Occhionero MA, Chalup A, Monmany-Garzia AC, Godoy-Vitorino F. 2022. The bacterial and fungal gut microbiota of the Greater Wax Moth, Galleria mellonella L. consuming polyethylene and polystyrene. Frontiers in Microbiology 13:918861. 10.3389/fmicb.2022.918861
Tovar C, Carril AF, Gutiérrez AG, Ahrends A, Fita L, Zaninelli P, Flombaum P, Abarzúa AM, Alarcón D, Aschero V, Báez S, Barros A, Carilla J, … Hollingsworth PM. 2022. Understanding climate change impacts on biome and plant distributions in the Andes: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Biogeography 49:1420–1442.
Vergara-Tabares DL, Blendinger PG, Tello A, Peluc SI, Tecco PA. 2022. Fleshy-fruited invasive shrubs indirectly increase native tree seed dispersal. Oikos 2022:
Zarbá L, Piquer-Rodriguez M, Boillat S, Levers C, Gasparri NI, Aide MT, Álvarez-Berríos N, Anderson LO, Aráoz E, Arima E, Batistella M, Calderón-Loor M, Echeverría C, Gonzalez-Roglich M, Jobbágy E, Mathez-Stiefel SL, Ramirez-Reyes C, Pacheco A, Vallejos M, Young KT, Grau HR. 2022. Mapping and characterizing social-ecological land systems of South America. Ecology and Society 27(2):27.
Zanne AE, et al. (106 coauthors, including Aragón R, Fernández RD). 2022. Termite sensitivity to temperature affects global wood decay rates. Science 377 (6613):1440-1444. DOI: 10.1126/science.abo3856
Zelaya PV, Blendinger PG, Palacio FX, Marinaro S, Macchi L, Gasparri NI. Above-ground biomass and high temperatures are more important than productivity for the spatial pattern of bird richness in subtropical Dry Forests of Argentina. Community Ecology 23:41-54. View-only version at
Areta JI, Depino EA, Núñez Montellano MG, Moschione FN. 2021. The enigmatic Rothschild’s Swift (Cypseloides rothschildi): Natural history, distribution, and seasonality. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132:690-702.
Areta JI, Mangini G, Gandoy FA, Pearman M. 2021. Notes on the nesting of the Rough-legged Tyrannulet (Phyllomyias burmeisteri): phylogenetic comments and taxonomic tracking of natural history data. Ornitología Neotropical 32:56-61.
Areta JI, Salvador SA, Gandoy FA, Bridge ES, Gorleri FC, Pegan TM, Gulson-Castillo ER, Hobson KA, Winkler DW. 2021. Rapid adjustments of migration and life history in hemisphere-switching cliff swallows. Current Biology 31:2914-2919.E2.
Atencio NO, Vidal-Russell R, Chacoff N, Amico GC. 2021. Host range dynamics at different scales: host use by a hemiparasite across its geographical distribution. Plant Biology 23:612-620.
Ayup MM, Gärtner P, Agosto-Rivera JL, Marendy P, de Souza P, Galindo-Cardona A. 2021. Analysis of honeybee drone activity during the mating season in Northwestern Argentina. Insects 12(6):566.
Benavidez A, Ordano M, Schliserman P. What is the level of fruit infestation by pulp-feeding insects? An overview of their meaning and measurement. European Journal of Horticultural Science 86:520-531.
Blundo C, Malizia A, Malizia LR, Lichstein JW. 2021. Forest biomass stocks and dynamics across the subtropical Andes. Biotropica 53:170-178.
Ceballos SJ, Blundo C, Malizia A, Osinaga Acosta O, Carilla J. 2021. Dynamics of tree mortality in subtropical montane forests of Northwestern Argentina. Forest Ecology and Management 497:119528.
Chiappero MF, Vaieretti MV, Izquierdo AE. 2021. A baseline soil survey of two peatlands associated with a lithium-rich salt flat in the Argentine Puna: physico-chemical characteristics, carbon storage and biota. Mires and Peat 27:16. DOI: 10.19189/MaP.2020.OMB.StA.2126
Cordero MN, Nanni AS, Tisone J, Grau HR. 2021. Riqueza y frecuencia de mamíferos medianos-grandes vinculadas al uso turístico/recreativo, y la percepción del visitante en un área protegida periurbana de las yungas de Tucumán. Mastozoología Neotropical 28:e0512.
De Marzo T, Pflugmacher D, Baumann M, Lambin EE, Gasparri I, Kuemmerle T. 2021. Characterizing forest disturbances across the Argentine Dry Chaco based on Landsat time series. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 98:102310.
Dehling DM, Bender IMA, Blendinger PG, Böhning-Gaese K, Muñoz MC, Neuschulz EL, Quitián M, Saavedra F, Santillán V, Schleuning M, Stouffer DB. 2021. Specialists and generalists fulfil important and complementary functional roles in ecological processes. Functional Ecology 35:1810-1821.
Duboscq-Carra VG, Fernandez RD, Haubrock PJ, Dimarco RD, Angulo E, Ballesteros-Mejia L, Diagne C, Courchamp F, Nuñez MA. 2021. Economic impact of invasive alien species in Argentina: a first national synthesis. In: Zenni RD, McDermott S, García-Berthou E, Essl F (Eds) The economic costs of biological invasions around the world. NeoBiota 67:329-348.
Duque A, Peña MA, Cuesta F, González-Caro S, Kennedy P, Phillips OL, Calderón-Loor M, Blundo C, Carilla J, Cayola L, Farfán-Ríos W, Fuentes A, Grau R, Homeier J, Loza-Rivera MI, Malhi Y, Malizia A, Malizia L, Martínez-Villa JA, Myers JA, Osinaga-Acosta O, Peralvo M, Pinto E, Saatchi S, Silman M, Tello JS, Terán-Valdez A, Feeley KJ. 2021. Mature Andean forests as globally important carbon sinks and future carbon refuges. Nature Communications 12:2138.
Fernandez RD, Castro-Díez P, Aragón R, Pérez-Harguindeguy N. 2021. Changes in community functional structure and ecosystem properties along an invasion gradient of Ligustrum lucidum. Journal of Vegetation Science 32: e13098., Blundo C, Carilla J, Grau R, Malizia A, Malizia L, Osinaga-Acosta O, et al. (551 authors). 2021. Taking the pulse of Earth’s tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots. Biological Conservation 260:108849.
García ME, Reyes NJ, Espeche ML, Ordano M, Lamelas C, Forciniti JD, Soulé Gómez ML. 2021. Strong seasonal effects and long-term weather-related factors drive the temporal variability of airborne pollen in the atmosphere of San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina. GRANA 60:372-385. Doi: 10.1080/00173134.2021.1880629
García-Díaz P, Cassey P, Norbury G, Lambin X, Montti L, Pizarro JC, Powell PA, et al. 2021. Management policies for invasive alien species: addressing the impacts rather than the species. BioScience 71:174-185.
Geria Reines M, Chacoff N, Sosa A, Galindo-Cardona A. 2021. Uso de una colmena centinela de Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) para evaluar presencia de plaguicidas y sus fuentes de alimentación. Acta Zoológica Lilloana 65:182-188.
González MV, Ceballos SJ. 2021. Las epífitas vasculares en un ambiente urbano están influidas por características del arbolado, el clima y las fuentes de propágulos. Ecología Austral 31:357-371.
Grau A, Slanis A, Grau HR, Würschmidt A, Pere MC, Gómez Romero SE, Suarez G, Aráoz R, Nanni S, Cordero MN, Tisone JL, Juliá JP, Cabrera P, Scrocchi G, Stazzonelli Sadir JC, Chalup AE. 2021. Plantas y animales de la sierra de San Javier: guía visual. Ediciones del Subtrópico, Tucumán.
Grau HR, Foguet J. 2021. El legado de la urbanización europea en el cono sur sudamericano: Una aproximación a la historia de las teleconexiones sobre la ecología del territorio. Ecología Austral 31:114-128.
Jimenez YG, Aráoz E, Grau HR, Paolini L. 2021. Linking forest transition, plant invasion and forest succession theories: socioeconomic drivers and composition of new subtropical Andean forests. Landscape Ecology 36:1161–1176.
Kauffman MJ, et al. (92 authors, including Ovejero RJA). 2021. Mapping out a future for ungulate migrations. Science 372:566-569. DOI: 10.1126/science.abf0998
Law EA, Macchi L, Baumann M, Decarre J, Gavier-Pizarro G, Levers C, Mastrangelo ME, Murray F, Müller D, Piquer-Rodríguez M, Torres R, Wilson KA, Kuemmerle T. 2021. Fading opportunities for mitigating agriculture-environment trade-offs in a south American deforestation hotspot. Biological Conservation 262:109310.
Levers C, Romero-Muñoz A, Baumann M, De Marzo T, Fernández PD, Gasparri NI, Gavier-Pizarro GI, le Polain de Waroux Y, Piquer-Rodríguez M, Semper-Pascual A, Kuemmerle T. 2021. Agricultural expansion and the ecological marginalization of forest-dependent people. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118: e2100436118.
Loto D, Kees S, Azcona M, De Tellería S, Manghi E, Gaitán J, Spagarino C, Gasparri I, Peri P. 2021. Estructura de bosques con palo santo (Gonopterodendron sarmientoi): Evaluación regional para su manejo y conservación en la Argentina. Ecología Austral 31:558-574.
Luft Albarracin E, Virla EG, Ordano M. 2021. Influence of the site of oviposition on the level of egg parasitism in the corn leafhopper, Dalbulus maidis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 93:e20190686.
Montti L, Velazco SJE, Travis JMJ, Grau HR. 2021. Predicting current and future global distribution of invasive Ligustrum lucidum W.T. Aiton: Assessing emerging risks to biodiversity hotspots. Diversty and Distribution 27:1568-1583.
Nanni AS, Giordano AJ, Nielsen CK, Lucherini M. 2021. Forest proportion and proximity to large forest patches are important for native mammal conservation in Dry Chaco agroecosystems. Animal Conservation 24:876-889.
Nanni AS, Teel T, Lucherini M. 2021. Predation on livestock and its influence on tolerance toward pumas in agroecosystems of the Argentine Dry Chaco. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 26:429-444.
Navarro C, Grau R, Hocsman S. 2021. Las vegas, hidrosocioecosistemas escenciales de las regiones andinas. Ciencia Hoy 30:25-31.
Núñez Montellano MG, Zelaya PV, Blendinger PG. 2021. Anvil use for seed consumption by the White-fronted Woodpecker Melanerpes cactorum during summer season with diverse resource availability. Journal of Ornithology 162:669-676.
Ojeda V, Schaaf A, Altamirano T, Bonaparte B, Bragagnolo L, Chazarreta L, Cockle K, Dias R, Di Sallo F, Ibarra T, Ippi S, Jauregui A, Jiménez J, Lammertink M, López F, Núñez Montellano MG, de la Peña M, Rivera L, Vivanco C, Santillán M, Soto GE, Vergara P, Wynia A, Politi N. 2021. Latitude does not influence cavity entrance orientation of South American avian excavators. Ornithology 138:ukaa064.
Palacio FX, Cataudela JF, Montalti D, Ordano M. 2021. Do frugivores exert selection on fruiting phenology? Potential scenarios across three plant populations of a Neotropical vine, Passifora caerulea. Evolutionary Ecology 35:555-574.
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Cuesta F, Tovar C, Llambí LD, William D. Gosling WD, Halloy S, Carilla J, Muriel P, Meneses RI, Beck S, Ulloa Ulloa C, Yager K, Aguirre N, Viñas P, Jácome J, Suárez‐Duque D, Buytaert W, Pauli H. 2020. Thermal niche traits of high alpine plant species and communities across the tropical Andes and their vulnerability to global warming. Journal of Biogeography 47:408-420. DOI: 10.1111/jbi.13759
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Fernández PD, Baumann M, Baldi G, Banegas R, Bravo S, Gasparri NI, Lucherini M, Marinaro S, Nanni AS, Nasca J, Tessi T, Grau HR. 2020. Grasslands and open savannas of the Dry Chaco. Pp. 562-576 in MI Goldstein & DA DellaSala (eds.), Encyclopedia of the World’s Biomes. Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.12094-9
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Fernández PD, de Waroux YP, Jobbágy EG, Loto DE, Gasparri NI. 2020. A hard-to-keep promise: Vegetation use and aboveground carbon storage in silvopastures of the Dry Chaco. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 303:107117. DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2020.107117
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Izquierdo AE, Carilla J, Nieto C, Osinaga Acosta O, Martin E, Grau HR, Reynaga MC. 2020. Multi-taxon patterns from high Andean peatlands: assessing climatic and landscape variables. Community Ecology 21:317-332. DOI:
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Lomáscolo SB, Giannini N, Chacoff NP, Castro-Urgal R, Vázquez DP. 2019. Inferring coevolution in a plant–pollinator network. Oikos 128:775-789.
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Núñez Montellano MG, Blendinger PG, Bodrati A, Salvador SA. 2019. Sap feeding by birds in southern Neotropical forests. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131:285-295. DOI: 10.1676/17-37
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Rojas TN, Gallo MCF, Vergara-Tabares DL, Nazaro MG, Zampini CI, Isla MI, Blendinger PG. 2019. Being popular or freak: how alien plants integrate into native plant-frugivore networks. Biological Invasions 21:2589-2598. DOI: 10.1007/s10530-019-01997-9
Rojas TN, Vergara‐Tabares DL, Valdez DJ, Ponzio MF, Peluc SI. 2019. Food supplementation by an invasive fleshy‐fruited shrub sustains body condition of a native frugivorous bird during winter. Integrative Zoology 14:259-269. DOI: 10.1111/1749-4877.12353
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Baumann M, Levers C, Macchi L, Bluhm H, Waske B, Gasparri NI, Kuemmerle M. 2018. Mapping continuous fields of tree and shrub cover across the Gran Chaco using Landsat 8 and Sentinel-1 data. Remote Sensing of Environment 216:201-211. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2018.06.044
Bender IMA, Kissling WD, Blendinger PG, Böhning-Gaese K, Hensen I, Kühn I, Muñoz MC, Neuschulz EL, Nowak L, Quitián M, Saavedra F, Santillan V, Töpfer T, Wiegand T, Dehling DM, Schleuning M. 2018. Morphological trait matching shapes plant-frugivore networks across the Andes. Ecography 41:1910-1919. DOI: 10.1111/ecog.03396
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Gasparri NI, Grau HR, Sacchi LV. 2015. Determinants of the spatial distribution of cultivated land in the North Argentine Dry Chaco in a multi-decadal study. Journal of Arid Environments 123: 31-39.
Grau HR, Torres R, Gasparri NI, Blendinger P, Marinaro S, Macchi L. 2015. Natural grasslands in the Chaco. A neglected ecosystem under threat by agriculture expansion and forest-oriented conservation policies. Journal of Arid Environments 123: 40-46.
Greasser J, Aide TM, Grau HR, Ramankutty N. 2015. Cropland/pastureland dynamics and the slowdown of deforestation in Latin America. Environmental Research Letters 10: 034017. DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/10/3/034017
Guerra C, Aráoz E. 2015. Amphibian diversity increases in a heterogeneous agricultural landscape. Acta Oecologica 69: 78-86.
Izquierdo AE, Foguet J, Grau HR. 2015. Mapping and spatial characterization of Argentine High Andean peatbogs. Wetland Ecology and Management 23: 963-976. DOI 10.1007/s11273-015-9433-3.
Izquierdo AE, Grau HR, Carilla J, Casagrandra E. 2015. Side effects of green technologies: the potential environmental costs of Lithium mining on high elevation Andean wetlands in the context of climate change. Global Land Project Newsletter 12: 53-57.
Jobbágy E, Grau HR, Paruelo J, Viglizzo EF. 2015. Farming the Chaco plains: tales from both sides of the fence. Journal of Arid Environments 123: 1-2.
Kortsarz AM, Zannier ML, Grau A. 2015. Variación estacional de azúcares de reserva en yacón cultivado en el pedemonte de Tucumán. Revista de Industria y Agricultura de Tucumán 92: 17-22.
Malizia A, Campanello PI, Villagra M, Ceballos SJ. 2015. Geographical, taxonomical and ecological aspects of lianas in subtropical forests of Argentina. Pp 17-42 in N Parthasarathy (ed). Biodiversity of Lianas. Springer-Verlag, The Netherlands.
Marinaro S, Grau HR. 2015. Comparison of animal biodiversity in three livestock systems of open environments of the semi-arid Chaco of Argentina. The Rangeland Journal 37: 497-505.
Marinaro S, Grau HR, Macchi L, Zelaya P. 2015. Biodiversity patterns in relation to land tenure in the dry Chaco of Argentina. Journal of Arid Environments 123: 60-67.
Monmany AC, Yu M, Restrepo C, Zimmerman JK. 2015. How are landscape complexity and vegetation structure related across an agricultural frontier in the subtropical Chaco, NW Argentina? Journal of Arid Environments 123: 12-20.
Morales MJ, Carilla J, Grau HR, Villalba R. 2015. Multi-century lake area changes in Southern Altiplano: a tree – ring – based reconstruction. Climate of the Past 11: 1139-1152.
Nanni AS. 2015. Dissimilar responses of the Gray brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira), Crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) and Pampas fox (Lycalopex gymnocercus) to livestock frequency in subtropical forests of NW Argentina. Mammalian Biology-Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 80: 260-264.
Nanni AS, Gasparri NI, Grau HR. 2015. Redistribution of forest biomass in an heterogeneous environment of subtropical Andes. Applied Geography 62: 107-114.
Núñez Montellano MG, Blendinger PG. 2015. Configuration and geometry of sap holes drilled by the White-fronted Woodpecker (Melanerpes cactorum): effects of tree structure, sap traits and plant health. Emu 115: 168-175.
Ortiz PE, Jayat JP. 2015. Genus Neotomys Thomas, 1894. Pp. 99-101. In: Mammals of South America. Volume 2 – Rodentia (Eds. J Patton, UFJ Pardiñas, G D’Elía). The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.
Pardiñas UFJ, Alvarado-Serrano D, D’Elía G, Geise L, Jayat JP, Ortíz PE, Rodriguez Gonçalvez P, Teta P. 2015. Genus Akodon Meyen, 1833. Pp. 144-204. In: Mammals of South America. Volume 2 – Rodentia (Eds. J Patton, UFJ Pardiñas, G D’Elía). The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.
Pardiñas UFJ, Teta P, Ortiz P, Jayat JP, D’Elía G & Salazar-Bravo J. 2015. Genus Necromys Ameghino, 1889. Pp. 232-247. In: Mammals of South America. Volume 2 – Rodentia (Eds. J Patton, UFJ Pardiñas, G D’Elía). The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London
Rueda VR, Baldi G, Gasparri NI, Jobbágy EG. 2015. Charcoal production in the Argentine Dry Chaco: Where, how and who? Energy for Sustainable Development 27: 46-53.
Salazar-Bravo J & Jayat JP. 2015. Genus Andinomys Thomas, 1902. Pp. 75-78. In: Mammals of South America. Volume 2 – Rodentia (Eds. J Patton, UFJ Pardiñas, G D’Elía). The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.
Verburg PH, Crossman N, Ellis E, Heinimman A, Hosternt P, Mertz O, Nagendra H, Sikor T, Erb K, Golubiewski N, Grau HR, Grove M, Konate S, Meyfroidt P, Parker D, Chowdury R, Shibata H, Thomson A, Zhen L. 2015. Land system science and sustainable development of the earth system: A global land project perspective. Anthropocene 12: 19-41.
Ahumada AL, Ibañez-Palazios GP, Toledo MA, Carilla J, Paez SV. 2014. El permafrost reptante, inventario y verificación en las cabeceras del Río Bermejo. Geoacta 39: 123-137.
Aragón MR, Montti L, Ayup MM, Fernández R. 2014. Exotic species as modifiers of ecosystem processes: litter decomposition in native and invaded secondary forests of NW Argentina. Acta Oecologica 54: 21-28.
Aragón MR, Sardan J, Peñuelas J. 2014. Soil enzymes associated with carbon and nitrogen cycling in invaded and native secondary forests of northwestern Argentina. Plant and Soil 384: 169-183.
Ayup MM, Montti L, Aragón R, Grau HR. 2014. Invasion of Ligustrum lucidum (Oleaceae) in the southern Yungas: Changes in habitat properties and decline in bird diversity. Acta Oecologica 54: 72-81.
Bonilla-Moheno M, Redo D, Aide TM, Clark M, Grau HR. 2014. Reply to Skutsch et al. Land Use Policy 39: 388–389.
Capllonch P, Ortiz D, Núñez Montellano MG, Blendinger PG. 2014. Aportes sobre la distribución, comportamiento y biología del Cerquero Amarillo Atlapetes citrinellus (Aves: Emberizidae). Acta Zoológica Lilloana 58: 222-240.
Carilla J. 2014. Gloria en las Cumbres Calchaquíes. En Lomáscolo T., A Grau y A Brown (eds.). Guía visual de las áreas protegidas de Tucumán. Ediciones del Subtrópico. Tucumán, Argentina. ISBN: 978-987-28168-2-7.
Carrizo J, Grau A. 2014. Las plantas de los Valles Calchaquíes. Guía Ilustrada, UNT-UNe. 204 pp. ISBN 978-950-554-870
Carvalheiro L, Biesmeijer J, Benadi G, Fruend J, Stang M, Bartomeus I, Kaiser-Bunbury C, Baude M, Gomes S, Merckx V, Baldock K, Bennett A, Boada R, Bommarco R, Cartar R, Chacoff N, Danhardt J, Dicks L, Ekroos J, Henson K, Holzschuh A, Junker R, Lopezaraiza-Mikel M, Memmott J, Montero-Castaño A, Nelson I, Petanidou T, Power E, Rundlöf M, Smith H, Stout J, Temitope K, Tscharntke T, Tscheulin T, Vila M, Kunin WE. 2014. The potential for indirect effects between co-flowering plants via shared pollinators depends on resource abundance, accessibility and relatedness. Ecology Letters 17: 1389-1399.
Chacoff NP, Aschero V. 2014. Frequency of visits by ants and their effectiveness as pollinators of Condalia microphylla Cav. Journal of Arid Environments 105: 91-94.
Chain FE, Grau A, Martins JC, Catalán CAN. 2014. Macamides from wild ‘Maca’, Lepidium meyenii Walpers (Brassicaceae). Phytochemistry Letters 8: 145–148.
Coll Aráoz MV, Kortsarz González AM, Mercado MI, Ponessa GI, Grau A, Catalán CAN. 2014. Ontogeny and total sugar content of yacon tuberous roots and other three Smallanthus species (Heliantheae, Asteraceae), insights on the development of a semi-domesticated crop. Genetic Resources & Crop Evolution 61: 163–172.
Fernández RD, Aragón R. 2014. Descomposición de hojarasca de las especies leñosas nativas y exóticas más abundantes del pedemonte de las Yungas, Tucumán, Argentina. Ecología Austral 24: 286-293.
Gatti MG, Campanello PI, Villagra M, Montti L, Goldstein G. 2014. Ecophysiological constraints of plant species distributions: Hydraulic architecture and photoinhibition in the tropical palm Euterpe edulis Mart. Tree Physiology 34: 630-639.
Gioia A, Paolini L, Malizia A, Oltra-Carrió R, Sobrino JA. 2014. Size matters: vegetation patch size and surface temperature relationship in foothills cities of northwestern Argentina. Urban Ecosystems 17: 1161-1174
Gutiérrez Angonese J, Grau HR. 2014. Assessment of swaps and persistence in land cover changes in a subtropical peri-urban region, NW Argentina. Landscape and Urban Planning 127: 86-93.
Lomáscolo T, Grau A, Brown AD. 2014. Guía visual de las áreas protegidas de la provincia de Tucumán. Ediciones del Subtrópico. 310 pp. ISBN: 978-987-28168-2-7.
Martínez-Lanfranco JA, Flores DA, Jayat JP, D’Elía G. 2014. A new species of lutrine opossum, genus Lutreolina Thomas (Didelphidae), from the South American Yungas. Journal of Mammalogy 95: 225-240.
Mercado MI, Coll Aráoz MV, Manrique I, Grau A, Catalán CAN. 2014. Variability in sesquiterpene lactones from the leaves of twenty five yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) accessions. Genetic Resources & Crop Evolution 61: 1209-1217.
Montti L, Villagra M, Campanello PI, Gatti MG, Goldstein G. 2014. Functional traits enhance invasiveness of bamboos over co-occurring tree saplings in the semideciduous Atlantic Forest. Acta Oecologica 54: 36-44.
Nanni S, Grau HR. 2014 Agriculture adjustment, population dynamics and forest redistribution in a subtropical watershed of NW Argentina. Regional Environmental Change 14: 1641-1649.
Palma RE, Boric-Bargetto D, Jayat JP, Flores DA, Zeballos H, Pacheco V, Cancino RA, Alfaro F, Rodríguez-Serrano E, Pardiñas UFJ. 2014. Molecular phylogenetics of mouse opossums: new findings on the phylogeny of Thylamys (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae). Zoologica Scripta 43: 217-234.
Ruggera RA, Gomez D, Blendinger PG. 2014. Frugivory and seed dispersal role of the Yellow-striped Brush-Finch (Atlapetes citrinellus), an endemic emberizid of Argentina. Emu 114: 343-351.
Sánchez R, Blendinger PG. 2014. Trophic ecology of the Ringed Warbling-Finch (Poospiza torquata) in Neotropical semi-arid scrublands. Emu 114: 229-233.
Serra-Barcellona C, Coll Aráoz MV, Cabrera WM, Habib NC, Honoré SM, Catalán CAN, Grau A, Genta SB, Sánchez SS. 2014. Smallanthus macroscyphus: A new source of antidiabetic compounds. Chemico-Biological Interactions 209: 35–47.
Stephenson NL, Das A, Condit R, Russo SE, Baker P, Beckman NG, Blundo C, Coomes DA, Lines E, Morris W, Rüger N, Ewango CEN, Flores O, Franklin JR, Grau HR, Hao Z, Harmon ME, Hubbell SP, Kenfack D, Lin Y, Makana JR, Malizia A, Malizia LR, Pabst R, Pongpattananurak N, Su S, Sun IF, Tan S, Thomas D, Phillip J, Wang X, Wiser SK. 2014. Rate of tree carbon accumulation increases continuously with tree size. Nature 507: 90-93.
Torres R, Gasparri IN, Blendinger PG, Grau HR. 2014. Land use and land cover effects on regional biodiversity distribution in a subtropical dry forest: a hierarchical integrative multi-taxa study. Regional Environmental Change 14: 1549-1561.
Zamora-Nazca L, Montti L, Grau HR, Paolini L. 2014. Efectos de la invasión de ligustro, Ligustrum lucidum, en la dinámica hídrica de las Yungas del noroeste Argentino. Bosque 35: 195-205.
Aide TM, Clark M, Grau HR, Lopez-Carr D, Levy M, Redo D, Bonilla-Moheno M, Rinner G, Andrade-Muoz M, Muiz M. 2013. Deforestation and reforestation of Latin America and the Caribbean (2001–2010). Biotropica 45: 262–271.
Álvarez-Berríos NL, Redo DJ, Aide TM, Clark ML, Grau HR. 2013. Land change in the Greater Antilles between 2001 and 2010. Land 2: 81-107.
Bach S, Perotti ME, Merep AP, Marcial GE, Grau A, Attarian R, Av-Gay Y, Bach H, Catalán CAN. 2013. Chemical constituents, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of bark extracts from Prunus tucumanensis Lillo. Natural Product Research 27: 916-919.
Bonilla-Moheno M, Redo DJ, Aide TM, Clark ML, Grau HR. 2013. Vegetation change and land tenure in Mexico: A country-wide analysis. Land Use Policy 30: 355–364.
Carilla J, Grau HR. 2013. Monitoreo de claros de bosque. En: Osinaga O, Báez S, Cuesta F, Malizia A, Carrilla J (eds). Monitoreo de diversidad vegetal y carbono en bosques andinos-Protocolo extendido. Protocolo 2 – Versión 1. CONDESAN / IER-UNT / COSUDE. Quito.
Carilla J, Grau R, Morales M, Paolini L. 2013. Lake fluctuations, plant productivity, and long term variability in high elevation tropical Andean ecosystems. Artic, Antartic and Alpine Research 45: 179-189.
Eklöf AC, Jacob U, Kopp J, Bosch J, Castro-Urgal R, Chacoff NP, Dalsgaard B, Sassi C, Galetti M, Guimarães Jr. PR , Lomascolo SB, Martín González AM, Pizo M. 2013. The dimensionality of ecological networks. Ecology Letters 16: 577-583. DOI: 10.1111/ele.12081.
Garibaldi LA, et al (Chacoff NP; 48 authors). 2013. Wild pollinators enhance fruit set of crops regardless of honey bee abundance. Science 339: 1608-1611 DOI:10.1126/science.1230200
Gasparri NI, Baldi G. 2013. Regional patterns and controls of Biomass in semiarid woodlands: lessons from the Nothern argentina Dry Chaco. Regional Environmental Change 6: 1131-1144. DOI: 10.1007/s10113-013-0422-x
Gasparri NI, Grau HR, Gutiérrez Angonese J. 2013. Linkages between soybean and neotropical deforestation: Coupling and transient decoupling dynamics in a multi-decadal analysis. Global Environmental Change 23: 1605-1614.
Grau HR, Kuemmerle T, Macchi L. 2013. Beyond ‘land sparing versus land sharing’: environmental heterogeneity, globalization and the balance between agricultural production and nature conservation. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 5: 477–483.
Jayat JP, Ortiz PE, González FR. 2013. First record of Abrothrix jelskii Thomas, 1898 (Mammalia: Rodentia: Cricetidae) in Salta province, northwestern Argentina: Filling gap and distribution map. Check List 9: 902-905.
Kennedy et al. (Chacoff NP; 41 authors). 2013. A global quantitative synthesis of local and landscape effects on wild bee pollinators in agroecosystems. Ecology Letters 16: 584-599.
Lambin EF, Gibbs HK, Ferreira L, Grau HR, Mayaux P, MeyFroidt P, Morton DC, Rudel TK, Gasparri NI, Munger J. 2013. Estimating the world’s potentially available cropland using a bottom-up approach. Global Environmental Change 23: 892-901.
Macchi L, Grau HR, Zelaya PV, Marinaro S. 2013. Trade-offs between land use intensity and avian biodiversity in the dry Chaco of Argentina: A tale of two gradients. Agriculture Ecosystem and Environment 174: 11-20.
Malizia A, Easdale TA, Grau HR.. 2013. Rapid structural and compositional change in an old-growth subtropical forest: Using plant traits to identify hypothetical drivers. PLoS One 8 (9), e73546.
Medina RG, Ponssa ML, Guerra C, Aráoz E. 2013. Amphibian abnormalities: Historical records of a museum collection in Tucuman Province, Argentina. The Herpetological Journal 23: 193-202.
Mercado MI, Coll Aráoz MV, Brandan de Weht CI, Ponessa GI, Grau A. 2013. Arbuscular mycorrhizal associations and dark septate endophytes in Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) and a wild relative (Smallanthus macroscyphus). Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 48: 193-200.
Moles A, et al. (Blendinger PG; 46 authors). 2013. Correlations between physical and chemical defences in plants: tradeoffs, syndromes, or just many different ways to skin a herbivorous cat? New Phytologist 198: 252-263.
Núñez Montellano MG, Blendinger PG, Macchi L. 2013. Sap consumption by the White-Fronted Woodpecker and its role in avian assemblage structure in dry forests. Condor 115: 93-101.
Ortiz PE, Jayat JP. 2013. Primer registro fósil para dos especies de sigmodontinos (Rodentia, Cricetidae) endémicas del extremo sur de las Yungas de Argentina. Ameghiniana 50: 598-604.
Osinaga O, Baez S. 2013. Monitoreo de especies herbáceas. En: Osinaga O, Báez S, Cuesta F, Malizia A, Carrilla J (eds). Monitoreo de diversidad vegetal y carbono en bosques andinos-Protocolo extendido. Protocolo 2 – Versión 1. CONDESAN / IER-UNT / COSUDE. Quito.
Osinaga O, Baez S, Cuesta F, Carilla J, Malizia A, Malizia LR, Grau HR, Brown AD, Lomascolo T. 2013. Monitoreo de especies arbóreas. En: Osinaga O, Báez S, Cuesta F, Malizia A, Carrilla J (eds). Monitoreo de diversidad vegetal y carbono en bosques andinos-Protocolo extendido. Protocolo 2 – Versión 1. CONDESAN / IER-UNT / COSUDE. Quito.
Osinaga O, Báez S, Cuesta F, Malizia A, Carrilla J (eds). 2013. Monitoreo de diversidad vegetal y carbono en bosques andinos-Protocolo extendido. Protocolo 2 – Versión 1. CONDESAN / IER-UNT / COSUDE, Quito.
Osinaga O, Malizia A, Cuesta F, Muriel P, Carilla J, Báez S, Tauro A, Easdale TA, Grau HR. 2013. Manejo de la información. En: Osinaga O, Báez S, Cuesta F, Malizia A, Carrilla J (eds). 2013. Monitoreo de diversidad vegetal y carbono en bosques andinos-Protocolo extendido. Protocolo 2 – Versión 1. CONDESAN / IER-UNT / COSUDE. Quito.
Renison D, Cuyckens GAE, Pacheco S, Guzmán GF, Grau HR, Marcora P, Robledo G, Cingolani AM, Dominguez J, Landi M, Bellis L, Hensen I. 2013. Distribución y estado de conservación de las poblaciones de árboles y arbustos del género Polylepis (Rosaceae) en las montañas de Argentina. Ecología Austral 23: 27-36.
Romero-Saltos H, Charpantier N, Gortaire E, Malizia A. 2013. Monitoreo de lianas. En: Osinaga O, Báez S, Cuesta F, Malizia A, Carrilla J (eds). Monitoreo de diversidad vegetal y carbono en bosques andinos-Protocolo extendido. Protocolo 2 – Versión 1. CONDESAN / IER-UNT / COSUDE. Quito.
Sánchez R, Blendinger PG, Moyano Wagner E, Martín E. 2013. Hierarchical habitat selection and reproductive success of the Ringed Warbling-Finch in Chaco woodlands. Condor 115: 893-901.
Serra-Barcellona C, Coll Aráoz MV, Cabrera WM, Habib NC, Honoré SM, Catalán CAN, Grau A, Genta S, Sanchez SS. 2013. Smallanthus macroscyphus: a new source of antidiabetic compounds. Chemico-Biological Interactions 209: 35-47.
Teta P, Jayat JP, Ortíz PE, D’Elía G. 2013. The taxonomic status of Oligoryzomys brendae Massoia, 1998 (Rodentia, Cricetidae), with comments on the availability of this name. Zootaxa 3641: 433-447.
Torres R, Jayat JP, Pacheco S. 2013. Modelling potential impacts of climate change on the bioclimatic envelope and conservation of the Maned Wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus). Mammalian Biology 78: 41-49.
Villagra M, Campanello PI, Montti L, Goldstein G. 2013. Removal of nutrient limitations in forest gaps enhances growth rate and resistance to cavitation in subtropical canopy tree species differing in shade tolerance. Tree Physiology 33: 285-296. DOI:10.1093/treephys/tpt003)
Zannier M, Grau A. 2013. Guía de aves y plantas de El Puestito.168 pp. UNe-UNT, Tucumán.