Maximizing Blueberry Production: Optimal Pollination Thresholds

Discover how to manage pollination to optimize blueberry production and maximize economic benefits. This study reveals the optimal thresholds for pollen deposition and honeybee (Apis mellifera) visits required to ensure high-quality production.

Photo: Apis mellifera as a pollinator in blueberry crops / Apis mellifera como polinizador en cultivos de arándano.

A recent study published by the Regional Ecology Institute (IER) provides crucial insights into pollination management for enhancing blueberry production. Through experiments and observational data, researchers identified optimal pollen deposition thresholds on flower stigmas resulting in larger fruit diameter. They found that optimal pollen deposition ranges between 112 and 274 pollen grains, with an average of six to seven honeybee visits per flower during the maximum period of receptivity required for optimal pollination.

This study offers a pragmatic basis for adaptive bee management based on optimal pollination thresholds, which can significantly boost highbush blueberry productivity. By identifying these thresholds, harmful pollination scenarios can be prevented, and the quality and quantity of blueberry fruits produced can be optimized.


Ramírez-Mejía AM, Chacoff NP, Lomáscolo SB, Woodcock BA, Schmucki R, Blendinger PG. 2024. Optimal pollination thresholds to maximize blueberry production. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 365:108903.