Morphometric and genetic characterization as selection tools for Apis mellifera stocks in hybrid zones

In Argentina, as in other regions of the world, the honey bee, Apis mellifera, has adapted to different ecoregions and has become an important part of agriculture. This bee is known for its ability to pollinate a variety of plants, making it a keystone species for crop production.

A technique that allows the identification and selection of the best bee stocks for each ecoregion is the morphometric and genetic characterization of the individuals. Selection is especially important in areas of natural hybridization, where the mixing of different bee populations can have a significant impact on hive and farm productivity.

Our most recent study, conducted in an area of natural hybridization in Argentina, focused on the morphometric and genetic characterization of Apis mellifera in hives and in a drone congregation area (a mating area). The results showed that the bee stocks in the region were very varied, which suggests that there is a great genetic diversity. In addition, we found that mating areas contribute a different gene pool than hives. This result is key when selecting bees, since mating areas provide information on the genetic diversity of the entire region.

In conclusion, the morphometric and genetic characterization of Apis mellifera is a useful tool to select the best bee stocks for a natural hybridization area. This technique also makes it possible to characterize areas of drone congregation, which provide important information on the genetic diversity of the region. These results add tools to producers that allow them to increase their beekeeping production and guarantee benefits for local agriculture.

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