BIRDS OF NORTHWEST ARGENTINE (Jujuy, Salta, Tucumán and Catamarca)

A field guide for the identification of birds of northwest Argentina. (In Spanish)

Five ecoregions converge in the complex geography of northwest Argentina, where forests, steppes and lagoons are habitat for a diverse and abundant bird fauna. From the forested plains of the Chaco to the peaks of more than 6000 m of elevation of the High Andes, passing through the montane forest of the Yungas, the desert scrublands of the Monte and the high plateau of the Puna, hundreds of species of birds display their colour and fascinate those who enjoy their contemplation.

In this field guide, each of 616 species of birds are described with a elaborated text that highlights, in a synthetic way, the key features for correct identification. The texts are complemented with 2 to 3 photos per species, where the skill of dedicated photographers highlights the important characteristics that facilitate field identification.

The authors hope that this guide will be a means for many sensitive people to get closer to the nature of this region of the country, deciphering its mysteries and learning to appreciate it. The skilled bird watcher and the ornithologist will also find in this book an adventure companion to learn about and interpret the regional birdlife. Know it to love it, and thus join forces for the conservation of the wonderful expressions of nature.